Monday, January 18, 2016

An Extra Day

It was nice to have a three day weekend. That extra day meant extra accomplishments around the house. Finally, all the Christmas things are packed and put away. There was also plenty of laundry to be done, and the living room and kitchen are pretty clean. I even got a jump start on the bedroom. Can you tell I've been behind (read: unmotivated) for quite some time?

I started the day with a 4.5 mile run. I decided to up the interval this morning to 4:1. I'm still building endurance to try to run a 5K straight for my shorter runs, but taking it extremely slow. There will be no more injuries for this running girl. This week I plan to add an extra day of running to try to increase my mileage a bit. It was perfect timing with the holiday although it was only 47 degrees and a bit blustery. Ah, to be able to run at 7:00 am every day!

Dinner tonight was another (oh no, the last of this week's boxes!) Hello Fresh recipe: Crispy Chickpea and Roasted Cauliflower Salad with Quinoa and Roasted Garlic Viaigrette. I must admit I wasn't overly thrilled when looking at this recipe initially but I'm excited to report that with one bite I was regretting that I ever had any doubt at all. Wow, such a delicious warm winter salad.  

I ended up having the last chocolate chip chickpea blondie for dessert. Yes, I just made them yesterday. I awoke to find half the pan had disappeared. Of course, the teenager had a mighty difficult time admitting that she ate and LIKED something so healthy! 

And, she asked me to French braid her hair for work today. Things that make you go hmmmmm!! 

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