Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Magic Mile

So, I've been a bit sulky for the last day and a half.

The first part of my new 15 week training program, submitted to and revised by Jeff Galloway himself, required a Magic Mile. He sees this as a reality check of sorts, and it helps to provide a reasonable goal and also is used to calculate training paces.


So, off I went first thing Tuesday morning. I did an easy three miles using a 4:1 run/walk ratio, took a walk break and then did my Magic Mile straight through. UGH! I automatically felt very defeated.

In my previous post I acknowledged my newfound inspiration and that I was going to meet myself right where I was, however, I made the mistake of looking back on my Garmin to see what my fastest mile had been (in November 2014). 

My thoughts after looking at my time on Tuesday - a whole two minutes per mile slower than that November mile:

1. I suck!
2. Running sucks!
3. I'll never PR again.
4. I am so much slower than my running partners.
5. Just more proof that I am getting old.

OK, so I stewed on it for quite some time, and came to my big reality check:

1. I was out with an injury most of the year and have only accumulated 245 miles this year.
2. It is freaking HOT and HUMID in Florida in August!
3. Trust the system - it was developed by a former Olympian!

This morning's run called for bridge repeats. I slowed the pace WAY down and then just did one set over and back. I walked the second set. I will work my way up to the full two sets through the course of the program. Tomorrow will be another easy run for 3 miles.

Time to keep plugging away in hopes that my Magic Mile will somehow eventually produce the Miracle Mile at the pace that will project that elusive PR. 

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