Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Tropical Storm Arthur

Yesterday was the day I had set aside for a reboot of sorts. It was my first day of summer vacation, so I could devote more time to the cross-training that I think will help my running. Not to mention that I seriously need to re-evaluate my current eating trends.

Since I have no races on the immediate horizon, the plan was to go into a maintenance phase of running. I would run 5-7 miles 3 days per week and then spend more time doing cross-training: biking or kayaking with my husband, making use of the dusty elliptical in my exercise room, adding in some workout videos, etc. I may try to add in one 5K each week just to try to see some progress.

Day 1 Run:
I woke up bright, or rather dark, and early to meet my running partner for 5 miles of bridge repeats and then a mile run. The first thing I notice on my phone was a tropical storm warning on the weather app. Geez, what a way to start the day, not to mention my summer vacation. Looking at the hourly weather, it didn't look so bad and it wasn't...until I got about halfway to our meeting spot and then the sky opened. What a downpour! It eased up as I pulled in to the parking lot, but as we were discussing what to do, it started again. Knowing the bands would continue, we opted out of our run for the day. No, I don't run in the rain - unless I've traveled and paid for a race.

Day 1 Elliptical:
I came home and lounged around, had another cup of coffee, and some breakfast. After an adequate amount of digestive time, I hopped on the elliptical, and since this machine had spent months collecting dust I began my workout on the lowest resistance setting and sweated it out for 30 minutes.

Day 1 Kettleworx:
A friend from a virtual running group I belong to had offered up her set of Kettleworx videos. I snagged them and invested in a 15 pound kettle bell. It is marketed as a 6-week transformational program. So, I began with day one, Kettleworx Cardio...and I got halfway through. Yes, I am out of shape, but even more so, I have exactly no upper body strength. I did the warm up and the first set. At one point, when the workout went to using one hand for the weight, I had to pick up a smaller dumbbell instead of the kettle bell. It looks like I'll have to work myself up to this one, so I'll complete the second half of the video today.

I felt good after completing something, and not just giving in to the urge to sit on the couch with a blanket and read all day in this crummy weather. I woke up sore this morning so I know it is working. Let's see what I can do today! 

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