Saturday, March 29, 2014

State #8 - Indianapolis, IN

This is one race I can't say enough about!

First off, we were planning to travel to do the Flying Pig Half Marathon and one of my running partners told me that Cincinnati was within a short driving distance of Indianapolis. Well, this stunning piece of information led to a bit of research and to the realization that there was indeed another race being held the day before the Flying Pig. The question was, could our bodies handle doing two in a row? Our thought: we were saving money by running twice and only flying once, so even if we had to walk the second race we were going to try it! We immediately registered for the Indianapolis 500 Mini Marathon and pushed our training into high gear.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

State #7 - Jaffrey, NH

We were headed up north, or home to us, for a vacation visiting with family so I was looking to see if I could incorporate a race in New England to add to my medal collection. The kids whined and asked if we were ever going to be able to go on vacation without me running again! Oh, eventually...was my response.

Monday, March 24, 2014

State #6 - Seattle, WA

It seemed like it was on a whim that my husband and I decided to travel to Seattle. The plans came about when deciding what to do with our tax refund. Why not go on vacation? He had never traveled to the west coast and of course, I am always up for a race. Airline tickets were booked and I registered for the Rock N Roll Seattle Half Marathon.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

State #5 - Matewan, WV

This was one of those races that came together at the very last minute. We were waiting for school to get out (I am a teacher) and for work schedules and time off to be approved. So, about ten days before the race we went into fast-paced planning mode. And so it was that on June 7 we loaded up my new car to drive to a little half marathon with a big mountain in the middle of it.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Hatfield and McCoy Half Marathon, June 9, 2012

State #4 - Cocoa, FL

This was my race of Yes! and No!

It was difficult to choose just the right race in the state where I live. In the end, I opted to register for the Space Coast Half Marathon. I had always coveted the astronaut medal - after all, it is all about the bling! As race day approached the medal spec was released and alas, it was not the traditional astronaut. The first "No!". It was, however, the 40th anniversary of the race, so there was a splendid space shuttle medal.

Space Coast Half Marathon, November 27, 2011

Race #3 - Savannah, GA

Our road trip began after work on a Thursday with four girls and a male “running club member-in-training”. He jokingly wore a special badge and would later be initiated into our drop and go philosophy when traveling to destination races. We did, however, go easy on him, since he was our driver. And, he followed along with the fun by inciting a pillow fight.

Rock n Roll Savannah, November 5, 2011

Race #2 - Nashville, TN

It was a girls’ weekend! Our running group for this race consisted of six and the two hotel rooms were across from each other. Since no one would decide who was rooming together, we tossed the hotel keys on the floor and tried the doors to see which room we were in - and so started our long weekend adventure.

Women's Running Half, September 24, 2011

Race #1 - Providence, RI

I decided when I set this goal that my first race would be in my home state of Rhode Island and signed up for the inaugural Rock n Roll Providence half marathon. It was a soggy day to say the least. I gave my family members every opportunity to back out from being spectators yet they still came out to support me. We were all tired as the days prior were spent visiting Provincetown and Fenway Park. In the wee hours of the morning, I dressed in a garbage bag and waited at the start line. My troops were able to wait in the Providence Place Mall, enjoy some hot coffee, and stay dry. The start was finally announced and we were unleashed into the wild weather. It was rather unfortunate that most of the bands scheduled to play along the course were unable to do so due to the torrential rains. And I do mean torrential; it was streaming down the streets! (I looked up the statistics the next day and discovered that Providence received 2.25” of rain on race day!) Sugar Ray, however, did not let the damp weather prevent him for performing. He rocked the stage and I was so grateful to find my family dancing along once I pushed my wet self across the finish line. It was a great feeling of accomplishment to have earned the first medal in what I’m sure will become my own epic adventure.

Rock n Roll Providence, August 7, 2011