This is one race I can't say enough about!
First off, we were planning to travel to do the Flying Pig Half Marathon and one of my running partners told me that Cincinnati was within a short driving distance of Indianapolis. Well, this stunning piece of information led to a bit of research and to the realization that there was indeed another race being held the day before the Flying Pig. The question was, could our bodies handle doing two in a row? Our thought: we were saving money by running twice and only flying once, so even if we had to walk the second race we were going to try it! We immediately registered for the Indianapolis 500 Mini Marathon and pushed our training into high gear.
First off, we were planning to travel to do the Flying Pig Half Marathon and one of my running partners told me that Cincinnati was within a short driving distance of Indianapolis. Well, this stunning piece of information led to a bit of research and to the realization that there was indeed another race being held the day before the Flying Pig. The question was, could our bodies handle doing two in a row? Our thought: we were saving money by running twice and only flying once, so even if we had to walk the second race we were going to try it! We immediately registered for the Indianapolis 500 Mini Marathon and pushed our training into high gear.